Kids Help Phone has reached out to our National Youth Council (NYC) to hear how they’re coping with physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s what young people like you had to say:
- find a new daily routine (e.g. use a planner to map out your activities, etc.)
- go for a walk/hike/run/etc. while maintaining distance
- have a virtual Netflix party
- play a board game with people in your living space
- check in on friends by texting at least once per day
- make plans for all of the things you want to do when social distancing is over
- read
- play with LEGO
- do creative writing or journaling
- bake
- play video games
- try DIY crafts on YouTube
- have a bubble bath
- do yoga
- make a list of all the things you’re grateful for
- try new looks (e.g. with clothing, makeup, etc.)
- do a face mask
- play/make music
- clean or redecorate your room/living space
- do a puzzle or word search
- colour, draw or try graphic design
- learn a new skill
Remember that support is available whenever you need it — you can always talk about whatever’s going on for you to someone you trust or a resource like Kids Help Phonehttps://kidshelpphone.ca/ or Tel-Jeune https://www.teljeunes.com/Tel-jeunes-en