How to Identify a safe Adult?

(from the Kids Help Phone website)

If you’re struggling with the changes the COVID-19 pandemic is bringing to your daily life, or if you’re struggling with abusesubstance use or anything else, remember to connect with a safe adult, you are not alone. There are things you can try to help make the situation better. It’s important to talk about what’s going on for you by reaching out to someone you trust A SAFE ADULT.

A safe adult is someone who is accountable, respects your boundaries and doesn’t ask you to keep secrets from others. Speaking to a safe adult can help you feel listened to and decide on next steps.

There are many ways to identify a safe adult in your life. A safe adult is:

  • Thoughtful: the person actively listens to you and believes you when you tell them something.
  • Trustworthy: the person is dependable, a confidant and someone you feel comfortable talking to.
  • Respectful:the person is mindful and considerate of your feelings — and your boundaries.
  • Helpful:the person provides guidance and helps you find solutions to problems.
  • Caring:the person does what’s best for you, puts you first and cares about your mental and emotional well-being and physical safety.

Who is a safe adult in your life? A safe adult in your life may be a relative, friend, teacher, guidance counsellor or anyone else you feel comfortable with and can trust.

Remember that support is available whenever you need it If you need a safe adult to talk to, you can always call a Kids Help Phone counsellor at 1-800-668-6868  or Tel-Jeune  at 1-800-263-2266


Need help now? You can reach a counsellor

Kids Help Phone counsellor 24/7

What happens when you call or text or live chat?

First, you will hear a message that goes, “Hi! Welcome to Kids Help Phone.” You will then be asked to choose for service in either English or French.

Next comes a message about prank calls. Some young people are simply curious about what will happen if they call. Try to remember that our counsellors are here to help, but we need to keep the lines free for youth who need us.

Once you get through, a counsellor will ask how they can help you. Do not sweat it if you don’t know what to say. The counsellor will ask you a couple of questions to get the conversation going.

Call a counsellor at Kids Help Phone:

Text with a counsellor at Kids Help Phone:

Live chat with a counsellor at Kids Help Phone:

At Tel-Jeunes 24/7 :

Call : 1-800 263-2266  / text : 514 600-1002 / live chat

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